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Downtown Detroit : Features

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Detroit: A City of Superheroes

Urban innovator Ingrid LaFleur recounts the first Afrofuturism class she taught for youth at the Carr Center in which she tied together mythology, poststructuralist theory, and contemporary politcs into a youth-friendly superhero package. 

Moving Forward with Joey Landis

In the Motor City, photographer Noah Stephens travels by bicycle. On his latest journey, he meets up with fellow cyclist Joey Landis, co-founder of bike messenger service Rock Dove Couriers. Joey is part of a new wave of Detroiters finding entrepreneurial opportunity on two wheels. (Photo essay from The People of Detroit for UIX.)

Getting Smarter: Innovators gather for learning exchange at D:hive

The "hive" was buzzing with ambitious doers leading everything from youth programs to community art projects to startup businesses and micro-lending programs. They came to learn about urban innovation in Detroit, and they left with some new strategies for leadership and social entrepreneurship from special guest Christopher Gergen. Check out our recap & video.
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